Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Review Of Literature Revealed That The Roles Of Teachers
The review of literature revealed that the roles of teachers who serve as leaders within their schools and districts often change, sometimes determined by the existing environments, and perceptions regarding teacher leadership can vary by organizational levels (Boyd-Dimock McGree, 2016; Angelle Schmid, 2007; Angelle DeHart, 2011). As schools are required to meet ever-increasing accountability goals, administrators are faced with leading continuous improvement efforts, often including the implementation of teacher leadership practices (Danielson, 2007). Therefore, analysis of perception data related to teacher leadership practices within schools can assist both administrators and teachers in developing a better understanding of the†¦show more content†¦520). Therefore, survey research is the foundational model for this study, which uses quantitative analysis of secondary research data to determine the relationships among educator perceptions related to teacher leadersh ip practices, roles, and level of impact on decision making by school organizational levels. Research Design The current study uses a cross-sectional research design. â€Å"Cross-sectional research is focused on finding relationships between variables at one moment in time†and involve collecting data from groups that are chosen purposefully rather than the selection of a random sample (University of Southern California, 2017, p. 5). Therefore, this study uses inferential statistics to analyze perception data from a secondary data source with a cross-sectional design focused on determining relationships among educator perceptions and school organizational levels during the time that the survey was administered. Secondary data analysis includes correlational studies to determine statistically significant relationships and analysis of variance to determine statistically significant differences among educator perceptions of teacher leadership practices, roles, and level of impact that teachers have on making decisions by school organizational levels. Data Collection and Sources Instrument. The Teaching,Show MoreRelatedStatus of Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Education and Development (Eced)1733 Words  | 7 Pageswritten by Nasima Shakeel The field of human development has recently gained considerable importance globally. This results in shifting the contemporary educational discourse, one that moves ECED closer to the front of policy formation. 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